If you’re in the market for new hiking or camping gear, the 2024 REI anniversary sale is the perfect time to shop. Not only can you find fantastic deals on high-quality outdoor gear from brands like Garmin, Sea to Summit, Ruffwear, and Dometic, but REI co-op members also receive some special perks to help you save even more.
The hiking and camping gear in this article are some of my favorite pieces of outdoor gear from REI. In fact, I bought many of these products during past REI anniversary sales!
Outdoor gear can be expensive, but I’ve found that investing in high-quality gear is often worth the price. Taking advantage of sales, like this, is one of the best ways to save money on new outdoor gear.

When is the REI Anniversary Sale?
The REI anniversary sale is currently running through May 27, 2024.
Members can take 20% any full-price item, so you can get a great deal even if what you need isn’t on sale (some exclusions apply). Members also get 20% one eligible REI outlet item. This allows you to stack a coupon on top of already heavily discounted gear.

Must Have Hiking & Camping Gear On Sale During the 2024 REI Anniversary Sale
*This article contains affiliate links, which means if you click a link & make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.*
1. Altra Lone Peak 7s
Altra Lone Peaks have been my go-to hiking shoe for the past few years. They’re comfortable, lightweight, and have great traction for the trail. There’s only one color left in the women’s Lone Peak 7s with limited sizes available. This is a FANTASTIC deal for Altra Lone Peaks, so take advantage if you can!
PRICE: $140 $83.99
SHOP NOW: Altra Lone Peak 7s

2. Garmin inReach Mini 2
The Garmin inReach Mini 2 is currently $100 off during the 2024 REI anniversary sale. While this is an expensive piece of hiking gear, carrying a satellite communication device like an inReach can potentially save your life in the event of an emergency. In addition to being able to contact emergency officials, you can also send message to friends and family on longer adventures.
Carrying an inReach Mini gives me a lot of peace of mind, especially in remote areas. It’s a piece of gear I highly recommend, especially for solo hikers.
PRICE: $400 $299.99
SHOP NOW: Garmin inReach Mini 2

3. REI Half Dome SL 2+ Tent with Footprint
If you’re looking for an affordable and durable tent that you can use for both car camping and backpacking trips, then check out the REI Half Dome SL 2+ tent with footprint. I have older versions of the REI Half Dome tent and they’ve served me well over the past 5+ years (I have a 1+, which they no longer make, in addition to the 2+). The tent is spacious, and the + size is perfect for anyone camping with a dog.
My husband and I use the older version of the REI Half Dome 2+ tent on backpacking trips. We both love how roomy the tent is and how many storage spaces to keep your gear safe inside. The SL version of the Half Dome tent is over a pound lighter than its predecessor (which isn’t particularly heavy, in my opinion), so it’s a great option for new backpackers who want to keep their weight down on a budget.
PRICE: $349 $244.29
SHOP NOW: REI Half Dome SL 2+ Tent with footprint

4. Dometic GO Hydration Water Jug & Faucet
I was skeptical when my husband bought this Dometic water jug and faucet combo, but it has quickly become one of my favorite pieces of camping gear. The touch faucet connects directly to the water jug and makes it super easy to bring your own water and refill water bottles, cook, and clean. It’s a simple luxury that will elevate your camping experience, while also making it more sustainable.
Dometic Water Jug Price: $70 $59.99
Dometic Faucet Price: $100 $79.99
SHOP NOW: Dometic GO Hydration Water Jug & Faucet
5. Sea to Summit Altitude 15F Down Sleeping Bag
Stay cozy on chilly nights with this plush, down sleeping bag from Sea to Summit. I was gifted this sleeping bag when I worked with Sea to Summit on some social media content a couple of years ago, but it has easily replaced my older synthetic sleeping bag in terms of what I reach for when camping.
Price: $469 $269.73
SHOP NOW: Sea to Summit Altitude 15F Down Sleeping Bag
*This is an REI outlet item, so it’s eligible for an extra 20% off!

6. REI Outward Low Padded Lawn Chair
If you’re in need of a new, supportive camp chair then consider picking up an REI padded lawn chair. This retro-style camp chair has a sturdy back and seat, and comes with straps to easily carry it on your back. This is the perfect outdoor chair whether you’re hanging around a campfire, watching a summer concert, or hitting the beach.
Price: $89.85 $62.89
SHOP NOW: REI Outward Low Padded Lawn Chair

7. Ruffwear Roamer Leash
This piece of hiking gear from the REI anniversary sale is for all of the dog-owners out there. The Ruffwear Roamer Leash is the best leash for hiking with dogs, in my opinion.
The leash clips around your waist, so it’s hands-free. It also has a bungee cord, which allows your dog to have plenty of room to roam. I have a border collie-Aussie shepherd mix who likes to herd me while hiking and the Ruffwear Roamer Leash helps prevent us from getting tangled up.
Price: $39.95 $29.89
SHOP NOW: Ruffwear Roamer Leash

8. Jetboil Flash
If you’re looking for a camp stove that you can use on both car camping and backpacking trips, then the Jetboil Flash is worth the investment. The main feature of the Jetboil Flash is its ability to boil water in 100 seconds. This not only reduces the amount of fuel it uses, but it also allows you to eat or get your morning cup of coffee asap.
I’ve had my Jetboil Flash for 6 years, and while the ignition no longer works, the stove still boils water quickly. It’s one of my staple pieces of camping gear that I use most often.
PRICE: $129.95 $97.39
SHOP NOW: Jetboil Flash

9. Eno DoubleNest Hammock
There’s nothing better than relaxing at camp in a hammock after a long hike. The Eno DoubleNest Hammock is the gold standard when it comes to quality camping hammocks. It comes with a stuff bag and an internal pocket to help keep your phone safe while you hang. You need to get straps separately, but it makes the perfect spot to chill at camp.
PRICE: $84.95 $63.69
SHOP NOW: Eno DoubleNest Hammock
I hope this post helped provide some inspiration on what to purchase from the 2024 REI anniversary sale. Snag a great deal while you can, then get out there and put your new gear to use this summer!